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Hello Wolf! (Describing Animal)


Who don't know this animal right now?  Surely most of you already know it, but for those who have not don't worried because I will discuss about this animal. Yes... this is a wolf. But, before I tell you more about wolves, I'll tell you about the taxonomy of wolves.
Kingdom     : Animalia (all animals)
Phylum        : Chordata (animals with notochords)
Subphylum  :Vertebrata (animals with a skeleton of bone or cartilage)
Class            : Mammalia (Mammals)
Subclass       : Eutheria (placental mammals)
Order            : Carnivora (carnivores. Eg: cats, dogs,bears.)
Family          : Canidae (dog family)
Genus           : Canis (dogs)
Spesies         : Grey Wolf - Canis Lupis
                       Red Wolf - Canis Rufus
                       Domestic Dog - Canis Familiaris. (Some believe the domestic dog is the same as the Grey Wolf (Canis lupus))
                       Dingo - Canis familiaris dingo
                       Coyote - Canis latrans

Next to life cycle stages of a wolf.
Stage 1: Gestation
The first life cycle stage of a wolf begins in its mother's womb, just like you. The womb is where the wolf begins growing inside its mother's belly. This period lasts between 60 and 63 days. During the gestation period, body parts form, including the eyes, nose, head, arms, legs, and so on. While the baby wolf is growing inside its mother's womb, his or her parents hunt for or dig a den. A den is a wild animal's hidden habitat, such as a cave or a hole in the ground.
Stage 2: Wolf Pup
Wolf pups are usually born in a litter, or a group of baby animals, four to six at a time. They're born with their eyes shut and usually weigh around one pound. It takes about 10-14 days for wolf pups' eyes to open. Can you imagine not being able to see for ten days?
Wolf pups' grow at a very fast rate. At two weeks, wolf pups are able to walk around, although clumsily. By three weeks, they venture out of the den for the first time. Around this time, wolf pups' ears open and they begin to hear.
Between five and ten weeks, wolf pups learn to socialize and identify other members of the wolf pack. They also learn to play, hunt, and even pretend fight with their littermates.
Stage 3: Juveniles
Wolf pups turn into juvenile wolves by the age of three months and begin adventuring out with adult wolves and on their own. By nine months, juvenile wolves have learned how to hunt and capture a small prey of their own. When juvenile wolves reach two years of age, they're ready to mate and reproduce, or make their own wolf pups. 

Characteristics of wolf.
Wolves weigh 23 to 60 kg (50 to 130 lb), and are about 1 to 1.5 m (40 to 60 in) long with the tail being roughly a third of their body length. The males are larger than the females. The coloration runs from grey to grey brown but can vary through the canine spectrum of white, reddish, brown and black. The coat usually lacks any clear patterns except for paintings around the eyes. In areas where the ground is snow covered white wolves are far more common. Very old wolves get a greyish tint in their coat.
The wolf anatomy differs on several points from the dog. Most obvious is a pre-caudal gland on the over side of the tail, close to the base, that is not present on dogs. The wolf usually has golden-yellow eyes, longer legs, larger paws and more pronounced jaws.
The body of the wolf is built for long distance running, with a rather thin chest and powerful back and leg muscles. Wolves can move over great distances and the wide paws make sure deep snow hampers them less than their prey.
A wolf often seems more massive than a dog of comparable weight due to the extra bulk of the coat. The coat is built up of two layers, with hard guard hairs to repel water and dirt and a thick woolly undercoat to keep it warm. The wolf changes coat two times a year, during spring and autumn. Females tend to have a thicker winter coat and keep it further into the spring than males.
The wolves and most larger dogs share the same tooth configuration: The upper jaw has 6 incisors, 2 canines, 8 premolars, and 4 molars. The bottom jaw has 6 incisors, 2 canines, 8 premolars, and 6 molars. The canines are by far most important, as they are used to catch and hold prey. One common reason for wolves to starve is tooth damage after being kicked by larger prey.
Wolves live 6–9 years average in the wild, although in captivity on average they live 16 years.

Skills of wolf.
The wolf hearing sense of twenty times stronger than people, while his sense of smell is sharper hundred times. His eyesight is also very sharp and observant of every movement. Wolf stamina is very strong. Wolves can travel 18 miles very quickly. Its speed can reach 40 miles per hour. The pressure of the wolf's jaw is also strong. Its pressure strength is more than 250 kilograms per inch.

And the last is uniqueness of wolf.
-Wolves are the largest members of the dog family.
-Wolves are legendary because of their spine-tingling howl, which they use to communicate. A lone wolf howls to attract the attention of his pack, while communal howls may send territorial messages from one pack to another. Some howls are confrontational. Calls may be answered by rival packs. Much like barking domestic dogs, wolves may simply begin howling because a nearby wolf has already begun.
-They have a highly organised social structure enabling them to enjoy maximum cooperation when hunting, communicating and defending territory.
-Wolves live and hunt in packs. They are known to roam large distances – as much as 20km in a single day. Wolf packs in the far North often travel hundreds of kilometres each year as they follow migrating herds.
-These social animals work together to catch prey of their choice. A single wolf is capable of catching and killing a deer unaided, but when hunting as a pack they prey on much larger animals, including deer, elk, and moose. Wolves also eat smaller mammals such as birds, fish, lizards, snakes, but also eat fruit.
-When they get a successful kill, wolves do not eat in moderation. A single wolf can consume 9 kg of meat in one meal! The highest ranking wolf will eat first and what cannot be consumed is left for the scavengers, even though they may have to wait another three days for their next meal.
-Wolves are not particularly fast, with a top speed of about 45km/h (28mph).  They instead rely on their hearing and sense of smell to detect prey.  They have remarkable powers of endurance and are known to follow their target all day and night if necessary.
-Once a wolf has found a mate, they usually stay together for life.


1.  Gray wolf in latin is...
a. Canis rufus
b. Canis reddish
c. Canidae
d. Canis lupis
e. Canis latrans 

2. The old wolves get additional color that is...
a. White
b. Brown
c. Grey
d. Yellow
e. Reddish

3. Wolf pups turn into juvenile wolves by the age of ...  and begin adventuring out with adult wolves and on their own.
a. three weeks
b. two months
c. three years
d. three months
e. two years

4. How long wolf live in the wild?
a. 9 years
b. 7-10 years
c. 16 years
d. 6-9 years
e. 6 years

5. A single wolf can consume... of meat in one meal.
a. 9 gram
b. 8 gram
c. 9 kilogram
d. 8 kilogram
e. 10 kilogram


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